Karaoke Match

What is it?

Build a list of your go-to karaoke bangers!

Join your friends in a group and get a list of all the songs two or more of you love :-)

a group of friends with several 'bangers'

When you're out singing Karaoke, you'll have a list of guaranteed hits to choose from!

Search songs

Build up a list of your go-to karaoke bangers!

Use shortcut CMD+K (CTRL+K) to search

Join groups

Be a part of multiple groups, your bangers will apply across all groups.

Karaoke Match is an open source project by Karl J. O. The source code is available on GitHub
Privacy policy
You can find the privacy policy on the Privacy page.

If you find any bugs or issues, the prefered way to contact me is through GitHub issues.

Alternatively, you can reach out at k@rl.run.